Jim Larranaga Flashing A Wad Of Cash On The Sidelines After Jim Boeheim Accused Miami Of Buying A Team Is The Highlight Of College Basketball

Was it intentional? Larranaga claims it wasn't and just part of his routine so he could read a note he wrote to himself. Either way it's hilarious. I want everyone to pile on Boeheim of his idiotic comments. Remember he claimed Miami, Wake Forest and Pitt all bought teams this year while Syracuse does nothing. He also claimed college basketball is awful but he's not going anywhere. 

Miami never hid from NIL deals. It was announced Nijel Pack signed a huge NIL deal to go to Miami. Isaiah Wong renegotiated his deal after hearing Pack's. 

Welcome to the new era of college sports. I don't care if people are getting paid publicly now. People have been getting paid in the college sports world back to the Wooden era and even before that. Anyone who tries to claim it's new is just naive or wants to believe in amateurism, which was always a lie. 

That said, Larranaga having a giant wad of cash on him is just hilarious. Great old man move to carry cash like that in a money clip. The fact it came out as they beat Duke's ass, two days after Boeheim was an asshole (again) is just better. Couldn't have been better timing. I need Forbes and Capel to do this as well. Just lean into the Boeheim complaints.


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